Under Maintenance
Under Maintenance
The journal is under maintenance from hard-copy only to online. The access for some articles in the previous editions might be limited. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Read more about Under MaintenanceLex Publica (e-issn 2579-8855; p-issn 2354-9181) is an international, blind peer reviewed, open access journal, featuring scholarly work which examines critical developments in the substance and process of legal systems throughout the world. Lex Publica published biannually online every June and December by Asosiasi Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Indonesia (APPTHI) and managed by Institute of Social Sciences and Cultural Studies (ISOCU), aims at critically investigating and pursuing academic insights of legal systems, theory, and institutions. The author must send an original script which is not being considered nor published in other journals. Lex Publica has been indexed by Crossref, Copernicus, Garuda, Google Scholar, and other scientific databases.
Lex Publica released the first issue in 2014 in only-hard copy edition. Since 2018 to present, Lex Publica adopted online edition and English language with diverse authorship from national and international contributors. Lex Publica is highly proud that high ranking officials of Indonesian national judiciary, legislative, and executive branches routinely contribute their insightful ideas to be published in our journal.
We are pleased to announce our website relocation from ejurnal.appthi.or.id/index.php/jurnalilmuhukumappthi to journal.appthi.org/index.php/lexpublica
Our new website will be effective from July 1st, 2021 and every new paper will be published only in journal.appthi.org/index.php/lexpublica
For more information, please visit our official website: appthi.or.id
Under Maintenance
The journal is under maintenance from hard-copy only to online. The access for some articles in the previous editions might be limited. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Published by:
Asosiasi Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi Hukum Indonesia
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